6 Reasons You Should Buy Megaflex NOW

1. Improves the quality of data management.

Megaflex software joins the power and ease of a database with the standardization of the internationally-recognized ISA format, giving you the information you need in the format you
 want on demand.

2. Increases efficiency for document control.

Retrieving documents efficiently is a key component of a robust documenting database 
management system. Megaflex software makes it easy for you to maintain data electronically 
for easy entry, retrieval and reporting. Our ISA-licensed forms eliminate double-data entry and
 conform information to a standardized format.

3. Reduces costs for engineering and maintenance.

Megaflex software can potentially lower costs for engineering and maintenance by reducing 
the man-hours required to electronically document and retrieve data. Our software helps free
 your employees to the focus on work at hand rather than sifting through paperwork.

4. Return on investment.

Investing in Megaflex’s document management system provides a long-term benefit for your
organization. By standardizing data collection and operating procedures, an organization can
 grow and prosper by managing one standard methodology for document control. Compared to
 potential costly errors or redundant maintenance due to lack of document control, Megaflex 
software is a great investment.

5. Easy to use.

Designed with the user in mind, our displays include features such as type-ahead, data drop
down lists, lookup tables, PDF outputs, and links to drawings and documents for easy retrieval.
 Our customization features capture the standard terms used by your company and enables 
quick data entry and reporting. Employees of all level of experience have find our program 
simple to learn and easy to use.

6. Megaflex provides a service to jumpstart data conversion and use.

In order for any database system to benefit a company, it must actually be used by the
 engineering and/or maintenance groups within the company. The best way to get the various 
groups up to speed and active in its use is via customized on-site training. Also, jumpstart your
 data entry by taking advantage of our existing data conversion services.